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Form W-2 Data Fields

Data fields for Form W-2 are listed in the table below. For the most up-to-date information you should also consult the statement documentation available in GraphQL.

Identifier Type Description Years Used Sample Value Notes
allocatedTips money Shown in box number 8 labeled Allocated tips. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
box12Amount1 money First amount. Part of information shown in box number 12a. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
box12Amount2 money Second amount. Part of information shown in box number 12b. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
box12Amount3 money Third amount. Part of information shown in box number 12c. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
box12Amount4 money Fourth amount. Part of information shown in box number 12d. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
box12Code1 text First code. Part of information shown in box number 12a. 2018-2021 "C"
box12Code2 text Second code. Part of information shown in box number 12b. 2018-2021 "D"
box12Code3 text Third code. Part of information shown in box number 12c. 2018-2021 "J"
box12Code4 text Fourth code. Part of information shown in box number 12d. 2018-2021 "L"
controlNumber text Shown in unnumbered box labeled Control number. 2018-2021 "PRT-1749823"
dependentCareBenefits money Shown in box number 10 labeled Dependent care benefits. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
federalTaxWithheld money Shown in box number 2 labeled Federal income tax withheld. 2018-2021 "1234.56"
localIncomeTax money Shown in box number 19 labeled Local income tax. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
localWages money Shown in box number 18 labeled Local wages, tips, etc. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
localityName text Shown in box number 20 labeled Locality name. 2018-2021 "New York City"
medicareTaxWithheld money Shown in box number 6 labeled Medicare tax withheld. 2018-2021 "1234.56"
medicareWages money Shown in box number 5 labeled Medicare wages and tips. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
nonqualifiedPlans money Nonqualified plan section 457 distributions or contributions. Shown in box number 11 labeled Nonqualified plans. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
nonqualifiedPlansNonSec457 money Nonqualified plan not section 457 distributions or contributions. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
otherAmount1 money First amount. Part of information shown in box number 14 labeled Other. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
otherAmount2 money Second amount. Part of information shown in box number 14 labeled Other. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
otherAmount3 money Third amount. Part of information shown in box number 14 labeled Other. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
otherAmount4 money Fourth amount. Part of information shown in box number 14 labeled Other. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
otherCode1 text First code. Part of information shown in box number 14 labeled Other. 2018-2021 "SDI"
otherCode2 text Second code. Part of information shown in box number 14 labeled Other. 2018-2021 "Dues"
otherCode3 text Third code. Part of information shown in box number 14 labeled Other. 2018-2021 "Uniforms"
otherCode4 text Fourth code. Part of information shown in box number 14 labeled Other. 2018-2021 "Education"
recipientAddress1 text First line of the employee's address. Used as the delivery address when transmitting to the SSA. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled EMPLOYEE'S name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "784 East 77th Street" Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
recipientAddress2 text Second line of the employee's address, if any. Used as the location address when transmitting to the SSA. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled EMPLOYEE'S name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "Apt. 5J" Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
recipientAddress3 text Third line of employee's address. Use for foreign addresses only. For foreign addresses, complete this field and leave city, state, and zip code blank. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled EMPLOYEE'S name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "Toronto ON M4Y 1J7" Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
recipientCity text Employee's city. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled EMPLOYEE'S name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "New York" Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
recipientFirstName text Employee's first name. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled EMPLOYEE'S name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "Leif" Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
recipientLastName text Employee's last name. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled EMPLOYEE'S name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "Babson" Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
recipientMiddleName text Employee's middle name or initial, if provided. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled EMPLOYEE'S name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "Augustus" Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
recipientNameSuffix text Name suffix for employee (Jr., Sr. III, etc), if provided. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled EMPLOYEE'S name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "Jr." Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
recipientState state Employee's state. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled EMPLOYEE'S name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "NY" Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
recipientTin tin Shown in unnumbered box labeled Employee's social security number. 2018-2021 "200213492" Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
recipientZipCode zip_code Employee's zip code. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled EMPLOYEE'S name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "10162" Recipient is referred to as employee on form.
retirementPlan boolean Part of information shown in box number 13 labeled Retirement plan. 2018-2021 true
senderAddress1 text First line of the employer's address. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled Employer's name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "417 Rutledge Street" Sender is referred to as employer on form.
senderAddress2 text Second line of the employer's address. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled Employer's name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "Suite 117" Sender is referred to as employer on form.
senderCity text Employer's city. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled Employer's name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "Brooklyn" Sender is referred to as employer on form.
senderName text Employer's name. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled Employer's name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "Flemings Gourmet Foods" Sender is referred to as employer on form.
senderState state Employer's state. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled Employer's name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "NY" Sender is referred to as employer on form.
senderTin tin Employer's EIN. Shown in unnumbered box labeled Employer ID number (EIN). 2018-2021 "105123456" Sender is referred to as employer on form.
senderZipCode zip_code Employer's ZIP code. Part of information shown in unnumbered box labeled Employer's name, address, and ZIP code. 2018-2021 "11211" Sender is referred to as employer on form.
socialSecurityTaxWithheld money Shown in box number 4 labeled Social security tax withheld. 2018-2021 "1234.56"
socialSecurityTips money Shown in box number 7 labeled Social security tips. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
socialSecurityWages money Shown in box number 3 labeled Social security wages. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
stateAbbreviation state Abbreviation for state in which taxes were paid. Part of information shown in box number 15 labeled State. 2018-2021 "NY"
stateId text Part of information shown in box number 15 labeled Employer's state ID number. 2018-2021 "987654"
stateIncomeTax money Shown in box number 17 labeled State income tax. 2018-2021 "1234.56"
stateWages money Shown in box number 16 labeled State wages, tips, etc. 2018-2021 "12345.67"
statutoryEmployee boolean Part of information shown in box number 13 labeled Statutory employee. 2018-2021 true
thirdPartySickPay boolean Part of information shown in box number 13 labeled Third-party sick pay. 2018-2021 true
verificationCode text Shown in box number 9 labeled Verification code. 2018 "0211BDC8BB2E282A"
wagesTipsOtherComp money Shown in box number 1 labeled Wages, tips, and other compensation. 2018-2021 "12345.67"